Monday 22 August 2011

How Do I Feel Today.

Bismillahhirrahmanirrahim. Amin. Assalamualaikum w.b.t!

“For as long as I could remember, I shunted, despised and hated her. She was a thorn in my flesh, a pebble in my shoes that needed removal”The phrase above shows my violent anger towards someone which ensue to me. No words can describe my feeling on that time, I feel very disappointed and frustrated because as a friend we should not to hurt our friends feeling even once, but unexpected he had break his pledge. It teaches me to accept changes in life towards a better condition. It also makes me to be more pedantic in scour a new friend. His bad attitude is still plays in my mind and makes me fury and furious at a certain time. It forces me to control my emotional and become more patient. Start from now, I want a changes in my precious life. I try to adapt myself to be friendly and always be in a cloud nine. I often cultivate myself in order to be a better man. Never give up if we want to achieve our happiness high in level in order to fulfill our strong willing. Don’t ever and ever say NO but change our mind set to be a board-minded person. Some people hard to be a happy go lucky, they always follow their bad attitude. For examples, they flew into rage, shouted with rage and cannot control their hot-temper. This kind of person is slightly different and quiet hard to adapt themselves in a society. Maybe, all this had arranged by God. We should believe the God fate as He knows the best for His servants. This will become reality but not a fantasy. By time goes, I feel like this world a mine!

Sunday 14 August 2011

bLog ViRus

Animated Pictures Myspace Comments
jadi TAKSUB!
Animated Pictures Myspace Comments
makin penyayang
Animated Pictures Myspace Comments
~~idop lebih ceria~~

Friday 12 August 2011

riNdu iTu Satu AnugeraH

Assalamualaikum dan Salam Ramadhan Semua!
klau korang tgok tajuk entri neh mesti korang ingt aku rindu bangat sama aq punya gf or pape yg berkaitan dgn jiwang2 nih

act,itu semua tdak benar..bohong belaka
sbnarnyer my family bro!
tp btol la,blan2 pose nih..
mmg tringat la time2 pose ngan fmly kt umah..
klu kt umah shur mom n papa yg kjotkan tp kt sni my hyperactive roomate yg kjotkn
klu time berbke plak,

kt umah da ciap hdangkn,dduk ramai2 kt dining table..
tp kt sni,xdpt mnde tu..:(
org suh blik awal2 pose xnk..
mlas konon..
last2 dok sorg2..
padan muke!
btol x geng qlte??haha
tnggu blik rye je la..

REDLAND... lu tuggu!!
post yg meruntun jiwa dan raga..hehehe

Sunday 7 August 2011

hanya Tuhan yg tahu!!

first tyme create blog sendiri bro...
agk excited ugak laa..hahaha
slalu nye follow yg kawan jew..
tgok dorang update dorang punye blog..
ntah pape,,
tp,,, bru skrang aq mengerti apa itu erti penyesalan!!hahaha
now,its my TURN!!!

to be continued.......